Certificat de Compétences en Langues de l’Enseignement Supérieur
Français  English 


You can find below extracts from students' reactions to their participation in CLES tests.

"I prefer this type of paper for which you don't really need to revise the same old grammar rules in order to pass..."

"The interacting part of the test makes it very lively... we can have a proper debate..."

"Oral comprehension and written comprehension follow each other... We don't lose our concentration as there is a continuation in the line of arguments..."

"The theme of the test was very topical and interesting..."

"I really enjoyed the way the tasks were organized."

"It makes you want to take up English classes, as my English is a bit rusty!" 


Let the candidates speak!

Interviews recorded straight after a CLES 1 test in English (University of Orléans - 2007): Click to watch the video (Director: Anthony Arondel - University of Orléans).

We'd like to thank all the students who agreed to be interviewed!

Mentions légales     Réalisation : SPIRAL